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Information About Gambling Addiction You Most Likely Didn't Know

It should never be difficult to enjoy yourself while making a few bets. The goal of occasionally going to a casino or casually playing slots online is to have fun and, with any luck, win a little additional money.

However, for some people, the distinction between occasional and compulsive gambling might be quite subtle. So fine that it's frequently difficult to tell where the fun ends and disaster starts.

To help you better understand the hidden warning signals of gambling harms that, god forbid, may be inflicted on you or your loved ones, we're setting out some lesser-known gambling addiction facts today.

Let's dive deep into this subject now without further ado.

It's Difficult to Identify

Identifying gambling addiction is the most fundamental component of problem gambling, so let's start there. Problem gambling can be difficult to identify, unlike addictions to drugs or alcohol, for example, which is why it has been called a "hidden addiction."

Both gamblers and their loved ones frequently mistake compulsive gambling for someone who is just having fun, but being aware of the signs of problem gambling can help you understand why someone is spending an increasing amount of time playing casino games.

A few of the most typical actions linked to gambling addiction are listed below:

  1. Increasing ability to take losses and putting down bigger bets

  2. having a gambling obsession

  3. using gaming as a cover for true issues or emotions

  4. having gambling habits that are kept private

  5. prioritising gaming over friends and family

  6. experiencing regret or embarrassment after winning at gambling

  7. refusal to reduce or stop

Even infrequent gamblers can develop an addiction

One of the fascinating aspects of gambling is that even minimal gambling does not prevent obsessive behaviour from developing. Even if you don't initially gamble every day, you run the risk of becoming addicted.

The development of compulsive gambling is a process that includes a variety of behaviours and symptoms throughout time. Therefore, it's best to ask yourself questions like: Have I ever gambled to win back money I have lost? rather than dismissing worries by claiming that you can't possibly have a problem because you don't gamble every day. or Do I have the urge to gamble more money in order to experience the same thrills?

Is your problem gambling getting worse? If you've ever pondered about this even briefly, we recommend taking a survey to determine your risk of developing a gambling problem.

Men are More Prone to Gambling Addiction than Women

According to research, men bet more frequently than women. Men gamble more frequently than women, thus it seems sense that gambling addiction is more common in men.

Researchers who have looked at gender differences in gambling addiction think that this may be because men tend to take more risks and are more susceptible to social anxiety than women, despite the fact that this is one of the gambling addiction facts that lacks a definitive explanation. The ability of men to control impulsive behaviour is also less developed.

However, controlling impulsive behaviour is simply one aspect of impulsivity.

Researchers contend that two impulsive traits—risk-taking and sensation-seeking—are important predictors of addictive behaviours. While sensation-seeking primarily entails participating in fresh, physiologically stimulating activities, a study has found a favourable association between it and gambling, particularly among younger males.

Contrarily, risk-taking might involve recurrent actions and experiences; nevertheless, it must involve ever-higher stakes in order to provide the same amount of arousal or thrill.

Gamblers are prone to other addictions.

As they say, bad luck never strikes alone, which brings us to the next in our list of lesser-known facts about gambling addiction: the frequent overlap between gambling and drug misuse.

It appears that other addictions are frequently present alongside compulsive gambling. Up to 30% of those who seek treatment for drug or alcohol abuse also fit specific criteria for gambling addiction, according to statistics. Although there are no clear explanations for this phenomena, it is probably because each of these addictions have similar risk factors.

Brains of compulsive gamblers respond to gambling in a similar way to how they react to drug usage, producing a feeling of psychological high. Therefore, the high from gambling is likely to encourage continued gambling in the future. The same is true for obsessive drug users who seek psychological highs from other sources, such as gambling.

3 to 5% of gamblers become addicted

The percentage of problem gamblers among the gambling population is another statistic about gambling addiction that merits consideration.

Three to five percent of all gamblers reportedly experience problem gambling. Even if the number might not seem worrisome when taken out of context, it is nonetheless concerning. For instance, the US has 2.6% of the world's population—or more than 8.5 million—problem gamblers, or a population of 330 million people.

Let's say you've ever questioned why gambling is prohibited in some nations. The costs of problem gambling are enormous, severely impacting a country's mental health, not to mention the expenses to the economy as a whole. This may be the solution. The economic consequences of compulsive gambling, for instance, are estimated to be $6 billion annually in the US. Strange, huh?

Younger and middle-aged people are most susceptible to it.

According to studies, those between the ages of 25 and 45, or the younger demographic, are most likely to engage in compulsive gambling. It is possible, but not proven, that many gamblers between the ages of 18 and 24 do not seek help, which leads to compulsive gambling in later life.

The 18–24 age group is particularly susceptible to the negative effects of gambling since at this age, reasoning and emotion aren't formed because the brain isn't fully grown. This puts this group at a greater risk of acquiring a gambling addiction.

This is not to argue that only those in these age groups face danger. Online gambling trends demonstrate how betting over the internet is growing more and more commonplace around the world, raising issues even for the youngest age group, those under the age of 18.

You Are Not Weak Because of It

The most crucial gambling addiction fact is that you should never feel weak even if you are battling to stop playing.

Gambling is viewed as a mental health condition, and as such, has to be treated with expert support and supervision. There are no statistics on problem gamblers who have stopped gambling effectively on their own, but we wager that the number would be very low.

Gambling is meant to be enjoyable, but because it has so many different aspects, it can easily turn into a problem. Because of this, the gambling industry has stepped up efforts in recent years to spread knowledge about responsible gambling and provide players with a variety of strategies to keep the game engaging.

There are many approaches to treat gambling addiction, including counselling groups, one-on-one sessions, and medication. The most crucial thing, regardless of the type of treatment, is to get help if you feel at risk or exhibit any signs of gambling addiction.

1 comentario

20 ene 2023

That was a good read

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